Great for - full colour images onto any garment.

Not so good for – one-offs, where a pantone matched print colour is needed or tight turnaround

DTF (direct to film) uses the latest technology to produce vibrant, durable prints onto almost any garments. They have a soft feel and can reproduce complex images in full colour.

As this is a digital process we can’t match specific pantone references but most colours re-produce fairly accurately. Although we can print just one item this way they are most cost effective on quantities of ten or above and smaller images will cost less than larger ones.

Lead time is usually one to two weeks.

Guide cost for 20 T-shirts with a left chest size print is £12 each. For 50, price per shirt is usually between £9.30 and £11.75 depending on the print size and there are further discounts for larger quantities.

Recent examples include 40 T-shirts for a promotional event for a local craft brewery, 20 sweatshirts for an amateur dramatic production and 80 staff T-shirts for one of the University museums.


Colour Cut

Great for – One offs and small quantities with simple single colour designs and a fast turnaround.

Not so good for – larger orders, full colour or photographic designs

Perfect for lettering & simple logos onto a wide range of garments including sportswear and jackets with no minimum order and a fast turnaround.

The designs are computer cut from sheets of vinyl with the areas not needed then weeded away. This means it’s unsuitable for logos with lots of colours, fine lines or large amounts of text.

Lead time is usually around 4 to 5 days although a same day or next day service is sometimes available.

See below for our standard print colours for this process which include metallic and fluorescent shades.

Cost for one premium T-shirt printed this way is usually £24.50. For six it's £17.10 each and for 10 - £15.60.

Good examples supplied over the past few months are - individual names on the back of 55 sports shirts for a college boat club, six polo shirts as uniform for a new gardening business and 15 staff hoodies for a small start-up company.



Great for – single colour prints on quantities of 50 or above especially where a specific print colour is needed.

Not so good for –quantities fewer than 50, full colour or photographic designs.

For  single colour prints onto larger quantities this is usually the best option.

There is a minimum order needed of twenty items and a screen needs to be made up for each print colour making it more expensive for multicolour prints.

We use screened transfers which give excellent washability and enable fine detail and sharp lines but give a slightly flatter finish than the traditional direct method.

Pantone colour references can also be reproduced relatively accurately this way making it a popular choice for corporate clothing.

Lead time is usually two weeks.

Guide cost for 20 standard T-shirts with a single colour print is £13.45 each. For 50 this goes down to £10.40 each and for 100 it's £8.10.

Recently completed orders include - 400 student hoodies for a nearby sixth form college, a mixed order of 75 polo shirts, sweatshirts and high viz vests as uniform for a local building company and 60 dryfit vests for a college sports club.